The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Faith Community
Rationale for a Faith Communities Section of the U.S. Partnership
UNESCO has identified faith communities as essential partners locally, nationally and internationally in the Decade of ESD. All faiths share a belief in two great responsibilities -- to love one another and to care for Creation. Faith communities have unique contributions to make to the Decade by:
- Reflecting on the vision of the Decade through the framework of their faith tradition.
- Seeking to understand the interconnectedness between spirituality and sustainability.
- Tapping the deepest sources of human desire for a peaceful and sustainable future for all living beings.
- Learning to be faithful stewards of Earth.
- Forming relationships within and among faith traditions that serve the common good.
- Offering opportunities for education, reflection, and action that foster justice and further sustainable development.
Faith Communities DESD Objectives
Identify all relevant religious organizations and coalitions and encourage their participation in the U.S. Partnership Faith Sector Team.
Compile and share information on faith practices, stories and resources on sustainability via the web and other means.
Encourage and inspire faith groups to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of their efforts at integrating sustainable development into education and learning (formal and informal) and to share their success stories through case studies and online resources.
Engage the faith sector with other sectors in advancing ESD initiatives.
Plan an interfaith conference or event at the midpoint of the Decade that showcases and celebrates the contributions of diverse faith communities to ESD.
Initial Steering Group
- Peter Adriance (co-chair), Bahá’ís of the U.S.
- Martha Gardner (co-chair), National Council of Churches
- Esther Castain, Soka Gakkai International-USA
- Barbara Lerman-Golomb, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
- Carol Zinn, Congregations of St. Joseph
Click here for Faith Sustainability News and Resources
The previous rationale and objectives were collectively drafted by the above group to assist in the development of the Faith Sector. Your feedback and input is welcome.