The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development


Business Sector Team Calls Education for Sustainability

The following statement was written by the participants in Business Sector Team calls of the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development.

"To meet the immense challenges of the present and the future, it is important that all undergraduate and graduate college students learn about our environmental and social sustainability challenges and be provided with learning opportunities that engage them in solutions to these challenges. We live in a unique time, where the decisions of this generation may very well dictate the health of the planet for this and future generations. The impacts of these decisions will affect the quality of life across the globe. All students need to learn, through an interdisciplinary approach, not only the specifics of our sustainability challenges and the possible solutions, but also the interpersonal skills, the systems thinking skills, and the change agent skills to effectively help to create a more sustainable future. We are looking for these sustainability educated students as future business people, as employees, as consumers, innovators, government leaders and investors. We would like to see this be a requirement for all students."


Key Sustainable Business Resources

- Sustainable Business Resource Portals
- Issue Briefs & White Papers
- Sustainable Business News
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- Organizations
- Books
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July, 2017

The president of the U.S. Partnership recently attended the latest sustainable brands conference in Detroit, where she was able to make connections with national and international companies that are committed to sustainability in their own business and society as a whole. One of these is We Mean Business, a coalition that thousands of businesses to accelerate the transition toward sustainable economic growth.


July 27, 2015 -

White House Launches American Business Act on Climate Pledge - Today at the White House Secretary of State John Kerry and senior White House officials will host 13 of the largest companies from across the American economy who are standing with the Obama Administration to launch the American Business Act on Climate Pledge.


For more information, contact Debra Rowe